Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Starry-Eyed Christmas Quilt

I finished a Christmas quilt in time to actually use it for Christmas! I think I started it early this year, abandoned it and finally dug out the almost finished blocks a few weeks ago to get 'er done.
Fabric: Countdown to Christmas by Sweetwater for Moda Fabrics.  I was lucky enough to pick up a bundle of this fabric after Christmas last year.  And even luckier that another shop had some yardage still left for me to bind it.

Here's my favorite part: the quilting.  I free-motion quilted a paisley pattern all over the quilt.  Technique found in Angela Walter's book Free-Motion Quilting. It was a bit tricky to figure out where to go next and how to get there.  You have to plan ahead a little bit, but once I got the rhythm down, it was pretty simple.  I could see how this would be very easy on a long arm quilting machine, but it's a little tricky on a domestic machine because you can't always see where you've been and where you're going.  I got myself into corners frequently, but eventually figured out how to get out of those easily too.

I love the texture the quilting created.

I'm playing roulette a bit with the backing.  I bought flannel sheets at Target when they were on sale for $20 a set . . . that's two quilt backs for $20! This one was a red flannel set and I washed it 5 times, using salt and vinegar to set the dye.  I would throw in a piece of my background fabric in each load.  The first time around it was very pink. By the 5th wash, it didn't look too pink anymore . . . I'm hoping that it was just fuzz from the flannel making it look pink at all.  Cross your fingers for me.  The flannel will make a nice cozy, cuddly quilt, but I hope I don't regret the red.

Bound in the red and white stripe from the Countdown to Christmas line.

Finished size: 64" x 80"
Finished Date: November, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm So Lucky!!!

I've been so lucky to win, not one, but two bundles of fabric over the last few weeks and they both arrived yesterday!!!
The lovely Amanda, has a beautiful, well-curated etsy shop called Westwood Acres.  She has a great collection of beautiful bundles and I was lucky enough to win this fat-eighth bundle of Lucky Penny by Alison Glass for Andover Fabrics.  Amanda is so kind and generous and I love that she's found a way to work from home and play with her gorgeous children too.  Pop on over and check out her collections.  I may or may not have bought a bundle of Chicopee and some dictionary prints too.  She has Lucky Penny and Notting Hill in stock too . . . hurry, go see, I'll wait.

I was also lucky enough to win a bundle of Amy Butler's Spots from the Fat Quarter Shop via Rachel's blog p.s. i quiltHow lucky is that?! I'm thinking this will be a king size quilt for my bed . . . it's about time I make one of those.  Right now, I'm considering a large herringbone pattern.  Can't wait to get started.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


No hobby should either seek
or need rational justification.
To wish to do it is reason enough.
–Aldo Leopold, "A Sand County Almanac"

Friday, November 9, 2012

Halfway Through the Hustle

There are only 50 days left in 2012 and I've been "Hustle"-ing to get projects done and clean my slate for the new year. 
Kelsey Sews

Here's my list from 50 days ago and my progress:
1. Finish quilting the HST quilt and get it bound. 
2. Whoooo Are You Mini.

3. Halloween Table Runner.
It's ugly, so no picture, but it did get done.
4. Thanksgiving Dresdens Tablerunner.
I have made progress on the quilting, but still in a state of un-done-ness.

5. Christmas Stars Quilt.
Progress! Top is assembled and quilting has commenced.

6. Vintage Christmas.
No Progress.

7. Christmas Advent Calendar.
No Progress.

8. Terrain Hexagon Quilt.
No Progress.

9. Lots of Bee Blocks: Not Your Granny's Bee, NuBees, and Polaroids . . . all need to be put to use.
No Progress.
I've shamefully added a few other projects, but at least I'm making some progress on this list here and there.  Here's to another 50 days of hustling.